Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Here we are, finally it’s 2024. Every year it’s the same: the anticipation of a new year coming, and once it’s here, it feels like a fresh start, a do over and all these renewed excitements about all the plans you have come to the surface. It’s the best time to reflect on the previous year and ask yourself what you learned and what you can do better. Where were the gaps and how can you fill them in the coming year.
As I reflect on my previous year, I always go to the biggest thing first. For 2023, the largest part of my year was serving as president of the Niagara Association of REALTORS(R) (NAR). This was a role I had not been in before. This time last year I was certainly nervous and excited at the same time, but I know for a fact you do not grow whatsoever unless you put yourself into positions where you can explore beyond your comfort zone. Sitting at the head of a table and guiding important conversations and meetings that would affect over 1500 people was certainly beyond any comfort zone I’ve ever had. What I loved most about this experience was that I learned what I’m capable of. I started 2023 not sure if I was the right fit for the role and ended 2023 knowing I did a good job. I left my mark. I wanted to find my voice and learn how to best use it, and I did. This is probably one of the greatest accomplishments I’ve ever had.
I always prided myself on being a good listener and that I worked ok as part of a group, but I always knew I could be better. My time on the NAR board of directors, having to discuss heavy topics with nine other people, some of whom have much different opinions and experiences than myself, was a huge hands-on education in listening and being part of group discussions. Thank you to all of our directors I served with in 2023 and our Executive Officer of NAR for all of your guidance and support.
I also did quite a bit of traveling in 2023. I started the year going to Banff Alberta for a conference in January with some fellowboard members. Ifyou want to know what heaven on earth is, go to Banff. The conferencewas incredible and the view from everywhere was absolutely spectacular. I feel somewhat drawn to mountains. Something about them just makes me feel safe and small. Almost like I’m here to just “be” and enjoy where I am, that there’s a force stronger than me out there that will help take care of me. I also went to Scottsdale, Arizona for another conference in May. I took an extra couple days and visited the Grand Canyon. Again, just awe inspiring…I don’t even know how to describe it. It was much bigger than I thought it would be and no photo does it justice. Just go see it for yourself. Both of these trips showed me that seeing what else is out there, exploring the earth with others is the best thing you can do with your time here. Status, money, position…it’s all meaningless. Go meet people and experience things with them. My soul was full after each experience.
2023 also taught me patience and to give grace to myself and others. The second half of the year was emotionally tough, especially during the third and fourth quarters. I learned a lesson again, for probably the eighth time, that people speak and react to things from the place where they are in their own life at that moment. I was reminded several times that we must give each other grace and patience. We must forgive and we must attempt to understand. I heard a great phrase this year: ‘Assume Positive Intent’. My mantra forever was to ‘assume nothing’ but I think ‘assume positive intent’ is a more fitting mindset to have. Another phrase that I repeated over and over, and even wrote at the top of my white board in my office at the beginning of 2023 is ‘People will always remember your reactions, your grace, your words and your kindness’. I love this one.
I’ve learned what my own gaps are and have decided that for 2024, I will connect with as many folks as possible and keep things simple. I’m continuing to kick it old school with the principles of kindness and appreciation for others and have my business and personal goals set, quarter by quarter. I plan to help as many people as possible achieve their goals of moving. Whether it’s to Niagara, out of the area or within the region, I can help you. Let’s chat!